Announcing the MongoDB Connector
We're excited to announce support for the MongoDB data source.
New connector configuration format
This breaking change affects all existing projects. Update your config today.
Introducing realtime GraphQL analytics
Analytics now available for every project, with zero configuration
Runtime logs for local development
Local development just got a huge upgrade with new runtime logs.
How we implemented serverless full-text search in Rust
How we implemented serverless full-text search in Rust with AWS Lambda, EFS, DynamoDB and Cloudflare Workers.
Database collection filter by ID
Grafbase Database now supports filtering collections by a range of IDs.
OpenAPI 3.1 now supported
The OpenAPI connector now supports OAS version 3.1
Hide fields with the OpenAPI and GraphQL Connectors
Control the shape of connected APIs with the new schema transformation builder.
Variable and header support added to Pathfinder
Set variables and HTTP headers that are sent with operations from Pathfinder.
Mutation-based cache invalidation
Configure how to invalidate cached entities when using GraphQL mutations.
Improving your user experience with Edge Caching
Leverage Edge Caching for ultra-low latency and improved user experiences globally.
Search regex filtering
Grafbase now supports pattern matching using the new regex search filter.